Devops engineering career path

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As a DevOps professional, you need to have a diverse skill set to succeed in this rapidly evolving field. Whether you're an individual contributor or a manager, there are different career paths and levels to consider. As an individual contributor, you can grow from a junior to a middle, senior, or staff engineer. Alternatively, as a manager, you can progress from an engineering manager to a tech lead and eventually a CTO. Each level requires a unique set of skills and experience to thrive, and it's essential to understand the requirements of each level to advance your career. In this blog post, we'll explore the different skills you need to grow as a DevOps professional and discuss the various career paths available to you.


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Individual Contributor

Are you someone who loves to work on technical projects and enjoys being hands-on? If so, then the Individual Contributor career path in DevOps may be the perfect fit for you! This path allows you to focus on your technical skills and become an expert in your field, without the added responsibilities of managing a team. In this blog post section, we'll explore the Individual Contributor career path in DevOps and provide insights on how you can grow your career as a technical expert.


Individual Contributor Middle DevOps requires a combination of technical skills and project management skills to manage and deliver engineering goals. The following skills are necessary for this position:

Access Violation - The ability to identify, diagnose and resolve access violations in a system. This skill requires a deep understanding of system architecture and the ability to troubleshoot complex issues.

Error Codes - The ability to understand and interpret error codes generated by a system. This skill requires a strong knowledge of programming languages and system architecture.

ACID - The ability to ensure data consistency and integrity in a system. This skill requires a deep understanding of database management and transaction processing.

Backlog/Sprint Management - The ability to manage and prioritize tasks in a project backlog or sprint. This skill requires excellent project management skills and the ability to collaborate with cross-functional teams.

Achieving Engineering Goals - The ability to plan, execute and deliver engineering goals within a project. This skill requires a deep understanding of project management methodologies and the ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams.


As an Individual Contributor Senior DevOps, you must possess a wide range of skills to achieve engineering goals and manage backlogs/sprints. You should also be familiar with error codes, access violations, and ACID principles.

Access Violation - As a Senior DevOps, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve access violations in a timely manner. For example, you can investigate unauthorized access attempts by analyzing system logs or by implementing access controls.

Error Codes - You should be proficient in identifying and resolving error codes. For instance, you can troubleshoot application errors by analyzing logs, tracing network traffic, or by using debugging tools.

ACID - As a Senior DevOps, you should be familiar with ACID principles and be able to apply them to ensure data consistency and integrity. For example, you can implement transaction isolation levels, use locking mechanisms, or use distributed databases to achieve ACID compliance.

Backlog/Sprint Management - You should be able to manage backlogs and sprints effectively to ensure timely delivery of engineering goals. For instance, you can use agile methodologies, prioritize tasks based on business value, or use project management tools to track progress.

Achieving Engineering Goals - As a Senior DevOps, you should be able to collaborate with cross-functional teams to achieve engineering goals. For example, you can work with developers to optimize code performance, or with infrastructure teams to ensure scalability and availability of systems.


Individual Contributor Junior DevOps requires a certain set of skills to be successful in their role. These skills include access violation, error codes, acid, backlog/sprint management, and achieving engineering goals.

Access Violation - The ability to identify and resolve access violations within a system.

Error Codes - The ability to understand and interpret error codes within a system.

ACID - The ability to understand and implement ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) principles in database management.

Backlog/Sprint Management - The ability to manage and prioritize tasks within a backlog or sprint, ensuring that deadlines are met and goals are achieved.

Achieving Engineering Goals - The ability to work towards and achieve engineering goals, such as improving system performance or implementing new features.

Staff Engineer

The Individual Contributor Staff Engineer devops is responsible for ensuring smooth operations of the company's software systems. They must have a strong understanding of access violation, error codes, acid, backlog/sprint management, and achieving engineering goals.

Access Violation - An Individual Contributor Staff Engineer devops must have a strong understanding of access violation to ensure the security of the company's software systems. They should be able to identify and troubleshoot access violations, as well as implement measures to prevent them from occurring. An example task for this skill would be to review access logs and identify any unauthorized access attempts.

Error Codes - An Individual Contributor Staff Engineer devops must be familiar with error codes to quickly identify and resolve any issues that arise within the company's software systems. They should be able to interpret error codes and troubleshoot accordingly. An example task for this skill would be to analyze error logs and identify the root cause of a system failure.

ACID - An Individual Contributor Staff Engineer devops must have a strong understanding of ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) to ensure the reliability and integrity of the company's software systems. They should be able to implement ACID-compliant databases and troubleshoot any issues that arise. An example task for this skill would be to design and implement a database schema that adheres to ACID principles.

Backlog/Sprint Management - An Individual Contributor Staff Engineer devops must be proficient in backlog/sprint management to ensure the timely delivery of software projects. They should be able to prioritize tasks, allocate resources, and monitor progress. An example task for this skill would be to create a sprint backlog and assign tasks to team members based on their skill sets.

Achieving Engineering Goals - An Individual Contributor Staff Engineer devops must have a strong understanding of engineering goals to ensure the successful delivery of software projects. They should be able to align the team's efforts with the company's strategic objectives and monitor progress towards achieving them. An example task for this skill would be to develop a roadmap that outlines the steps required to achieve a specific engineering goal.


Are you interested in pursuing a career in DevOps? Have you considered the Manager career path? As a DevOps Manager, you'll be responsible for overseeing the entire DevOps process, from planning to deployment. This role requires strong leadership skills, excellent communication, and a deep understanding of DevOps principles. If you're someone who enjoys managing teams, solving complex problems, and driving innovation, then the Manager career path may be the right fit for you.

Engineering Manager

The Engineering Manager DevOps is responsible for achieving engineering goals, making decisions in uncertain environments, implementing agile models, managing access violations, and understanding error codes. These skills are essential for the successful management of a DevOps team.

Achieving Engineering Goals - The Engineering Manager DevOps must be able to set and achieve engineering goals that are aligned with the overall business objectives. They should be able to develop and implement strategies that will help the team achieve these goals.

Decision-making in Uncertain Environments - The Engineering Manager DevOps must be able to make quick and effective decisions in uncertain environments. They should be able to evaluate the risks and benefits of different options and choose the best course of action for the team.

Agile Model (Sync and Iterate) - The Engineering Manager DevOps must be familiar with the Agile development model and should be able to implement it in the team's workflow. They should be able to sync and iterate on the project, making sure that the team is working efficiently and effectively.

Access Violation - The Engineering Manager DevOps must be able to manage access violations and ensure that the team is following security protocols. They should be able to identify potential vulnerabilities and take steps to mitigate them.

Error Codes - The Engineering Manager DevOps should have a good understanding of error codes and should be able to troubleshoot issues that arise. They should be able to identify the root cause of the problem and implement a solution to prevent it from happening again.

Tech Lead

This narrative highlights the skills required for a Manager Tech Lead DevOps role and provides examples of tasks that an intern can perform to develop these skills.

Achieving Engineering Goals - As a Manager Tech Lead DevOps, you will be responsible for achieving engineering goals. This requires a strong understanding of the company's objectives and the ability to develop and implement strategies to achieve them. An intern can develop this skill by setting goals for a small project and creating a plan to achieve them.

Decision-making in Uncertain Environment - In a Manager Tech Lead DevOps role, you will often be required to make decisions in uncertain environments. This requires the ability to analyze data, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions. An intern can develop this skill by working on a project with incomplete information and making decisions based on the available data.

Agile Model (Sync and Iterate) - As a Manager Tech Lead DevOps, you will need to be familiar with the Agile model and the ability to synchronize and iterate tasks. This requires the ability to work collaboratively with team members and adapt to changing requirements. An intern can develop this skill by working on an Agile project and participating in daily stand-up meetings and retrospectives.

Access Violation - As a Manager Tech Lead DevOps, you will need to understand access violation and how to prevent it. This requires a strong understanding of security protocols and the ability to implement measures to prevent unauthorized access. An intern can develop this skill by reviewing security protocols and identifying potential vulnerabilities.

Error Codes - As a Manager Tech Lead DevOps, you will need to be familiar with error codes and the ability to troubleshoot issues. This requires a strong understanding of software development and the ability to identify and resolve issues quickly. An intern can develop this skill by reviewing error codes and troubleshooting issues on a test environment.


This narrative highlights the skills required for the Manager CTO DevOps position and provides example tasks for each skill level.

Achieving Engineering Goals - This skill involves setting and achieving engineering goals that align with the overall business strategy. An intern with this skill level can assist with creating project plans and tracking progress towards milestones.

Decision-making in Uncertain Environment - As a Manager CTO DevOps, it is important to make informed decisions in uncertain environments. An intern with this skill level can assist with gathering data and conducting research to provide insights for decision-making.

Agile Model (Sync and Iterate) - The Manager CTO DevOps role requires familiarity with the Agile methodology and the ability to sync and iterate with cross-functional teams. An intern with this skill level can assist with facilitating Agile ceremonies and tracking progress in Agile tools.

Access Violation - This skill involves identifying and addressing access violations to ensure the security of systems and data. An intern with this skill level can assist with conducting security audits and implementing access controls.

Error Codes - The Manager CTO DevOps role requires the ability to interpret and troubleshoot error codes to resolve issues efficiently. An intern with this skill level can assist with monitoring system logs and identifying patterns in error codes.


In conclusion, developing strong engineering leadership skills is crucial for any organization looking to succeed in today's competitive market. By leveraging the power of Git data, leaders can identify skills gaps and create targeted development goals to help their team members master the skills needed for their roles. With Ace – AI co-pilot for engineering leadership, this process becomes even easier and more efficient.Ace uses advanced AI algorithms to analyze Git data and provide personalized recommendations for skill development. By taking advantage of this cutting-edge technology, engineering leaders can ensure that their teams are equipped with the skills they need to succeed. Whether you're looking to improve your own leadership skills or support your team members in their professional development, Ace is the perfect tool for the job.If you're interested in trying out Ace for yourself, we're excited to offer a free trial. Simply sign up on our website and start exploring the power of AI-driven engineering leadership development today. With Ace by your side, you'll be able to take your team's skills to the next level and drive success for your organization. Don't wait – start your free trial today and see the results for yourself.

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